发表时间:2020-02-20 15:10:13 人气:
“More than the swine flu, it is the fear of the flu that worries people.”
Guruji Yogacharya B K S Iyengar was born during the 1918 influenza pandemic and even his mother was not spared the infection during her pregnancy. This had led to a very sickly childhood for our Guruji. It was this ill-health that introduced him to yoga with which he has given health to millions across the world.
我们的古鲁吉,瑜伽大师 B.K.S.艾扬格出生时正值1918年全球性流感大爆发,即使是他那有孕在身的母亲也未能幸免。这导致我们的古鲁吉捱过了一个体弱多病的童年。正是这种健康欠佳,促使他接触瑜伽,并最终用瑜伽为全世界数百万人带去健康。
91 years later, the pandemic struck again. Earlier it was the Spanish flu while this time it was the swine flu. More than the flu, it was the fear of contracting the flu that worried people.
Those who travelled to another land feared of contracting it while the locals feared that the visitors may have brought the virus with them! Government authorities attempted to control the spread of the virus by closing down schools and Institutions. RIMYI was also not spared and was asked to shut down for a week although none of the students were affected.
Pune was the epicenter of the epidemic in India and with so many visitors from foreign lands at RIMYI – the risk appeared to be high. But, the officials did not realize that RIMYI had some very potent mode of prevention of swine flu-the experience and wisdom of Guruji.
Yes. We can curtail the spread of any infection by getting into isolation. But, is that a real, practical solution? Why is it that not all people exposed to an infected person acquire the disease? If a H1N1 (the virus responsible for the current pandemic) infected person were to sneeze, he/she does indeed release tons of the virus and all the people who breathe that air should get infected.
诚然,我们可以通过隔离来阻断任何传染病的扩散。可那算是真实而有效的解决方法吗?为什么一群接触过同一位感染者的人不会全部得病?假设 H1N1(此次传染病的源头病毒)的感染者打个了喷嚏,他/她必定会释放出成千上万颗病毒,而所有呼吸了相同空气的人都将被感染。
But, that does not happen. Only a few contract the disease. Most people who get infected manage to recover without medication. It is only some who develop complications. It is all about immunity! Build a strong immune system and you reduce your risks to becoming susceptible to infections. But, how does one do that?
“Modern science is aware of mechanisms of building muscles & cardiovascular systems but what about the immune system?”
Modern science is aware of mechanisms of building muscles and cardiovascular system through exercise but what about the immune system? There are some thoughts that vitamins help, a healthy diet and a hygienic lifestyle helps but there does not seem anything specific at the moment that can help build immune system.
During the spread of the Novel coronavirus pneumonia,Gloria sent us a series of asanas to improve the immunity, hoping to help everyone improve their own resistance. This is also the yoga practice sequence developed by B.K.S Iyengar during the Indian flu years.
正直新冠肺炎蔓延期间,Gloria 老师给我院发来的提高免疫力的序列体式,希望能帮助到大家提高自身抵抗力。这也正是艾扬格大师在印度流感年间研发的瑜伽习练序列。
Gloria 老师提供的序列体式图
Guruji provided us with a specific sequence of āsana-s that help build the immune system. This was posted on the RIMYI notice board during the swine flu pandemic. This can help us not only avert the flu virus but also many more bacteria and viruses especially when they are lurking in the air and water!
Morning practice
•加强脊柱前屈伸展式(Uttanāsana) 5分钟
•下犬式(Adho Mukha Svanāsana) 5分钟
•双角式(Prasarita Padotanāsana) 3分钟
•头倒立式(Sirsāsana) 5分钟直立(straight),10分钟变体(variations)
•倒手仗式(借助瑜伽椅)(Viparita Dandāsana (on chair)) 5分钟
•肩倒立式(Sarvangāsana) 10分钟
•犁式(Halāsana) 5分钟
•肩倒立式循环(Sarvangāsana cycle) 5分钟
•桥式肩倒立(Setu Bandha Sarvangāsana) 5分钟
•倒箭式(Viparita Karani) 5分钟
•挺尸式配合间断呼吸法或喉呼吸法(又称乌加依呼吸法)(Savāsana with Viloma / Ujjayi pranayama) 10分钟
Evening practice
•头倒立式(Sirsāsana) 10分钟
•肩倒立式(Sarvangāsana) 10分钟
•犁式(Halāsana) 5分钟
•桥式肩倒立(Setu Bandha Sarvangāsana) 10分钟
•挺尸式配合间断呼吸法或喉呼吸法(Savāsana with Viloma / Ujjayi pranayama) 10分钟
Those who cannot stay for the specified duration can do these same āsana-s with the help of props.
We are very grateful to Guruji for his great wisdom.
As the same time,we thanks to Rajvi for writing,and appreciate the sharing from Gloria.
同时,感激 Rajvi 老师的撰文,感谢 Gloria 老师给我们的分享
Rajvi H Mehta/撰写
电 话:400 606 1838
邮 箱:study@iyengar.cn